I want to create magic by words; I want to dream through words; I want to write and transport myself to my ideal fairytale world. Let’s dive in together!


Hi, I am a Dutch twenty-two year old dreamer. Five years ago I started writing about all of my thoughts. The things I feel, the things I desire and the things I dream of. Since my seventeenth I turned my thoughts into poetry, prose and fiction. English is not my first language, so this is all very challenging to me; which I do not mind, because my motiviation is bigger than the struggle. I enjoy writing with all of my heart.

With the years I found myself getting dreamier and dreamier (I daydream all day long). Desperately desiring for some ‘magic’. I love reading fantasy and fairytale books, where I can wander through another world. Where animals can talk, where romance is true, and where there are princes and princesses, and—of course— good-hearted villains. Oh, how we love the villains. Shall we dream and wander together?

“If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”

— Toni Morisson

Recent Blogs

A Touch of Darkness

I normally don’t like modern fantasy; when I see a book set in modern times, I skip them. But in this book, I actually enjoyed the modernism. I really liked the combination of Greek mythology with...

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The Queen’s Rising

It started off pretty fun. The world-building was interesting, and I liked the writing style and the fast-pace. Throughout the book I had my questions and my dislikes, but in the half of the book...

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The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

The book started interesting with a young girl named Adeline who was a dreamer and loved drawing. Once Adeline drew a boy out of her imagination and pretended she was his and he was hers. She...

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Once in a while I write letters. I have never send them, I don’t have his adress. He doesn’t even have an adress. I can’t reach him. That’s why I post my letters online, in the hope he will read them and reach out to me instead. Those letters are not a secret nor a diary. Those are love letters to a person I haven’t met. Or have I?
I don’t even know it myself.

Don’t think reading my letters is an invade on my privacy, and don’t think those are based on true stories. They are not. Those are all written through ideas and feelings from my mind. If it’s hard for you to read my handwriting, it’s for you to figure out what it says. You can’t find my letters in the menu. To read my letters you just have to click here.