Love Poems

For all the lovers, the dreamers, the broken and the breakers. Sometimes all we need is a good hug or a good cry. These are words we all feel sometimes. And here I share them with you; you are not alone.

Abundance of Tears

There is just this sorrow in my heart, in my soul, an intense sadness of a broken heart. My eyes may be empty from all the crying, but there is still an abundance of tears inside of me. Tears are just no longer enough to ease the pain.

For Love

As long as we come together in the end, with pleasure I’ll wait restlessly an eternity for you. For us. For love.


My first butterfly felt like sleeping on a soft cloud; surrounded by the sun and a rainbow (without rain). So heavenly. Love I’ve never felt before; love I never knew could ever exist. Pure happiness. At my hundredth butterfly the soft cloud turned into raindrops and I fell down. Now I am broken and it hurts; I am just so hurting.

Love Letters

I have written love letters for someone who will never read them, who don’t even know of their existence. I wonder, would he read them if he himself had the chance? Would he run away, or would he stay? And what if I had the chance to let him read my letters, would I let him?

Possible Impossibility

I know our eyes will never meet, our skin will never touch, and our hearts will never merge. But a part of me still hopes that someday the impossible will become possible after all. Well, maybe not a part; maybe just everything of me still hopes for that day to come.

My Healer

Your soul is like the sound of a violin; a melody of poetry. You calm me. Your soul is like a soothing lullaby; a song of silence. You calm me. You are the healer of my restlessness; the calmer of my soul, for my soul.

I Often Wonder

I often wonder what it would feel like to have someone be in love with you; to be loved. That kind of love between woman and man. I often wonder what it would feel like to have someone that cares about your health, that puts your scarf around you a little tighter when it is cold. I often wonder what it would feel like when someone cries because you cry, and then wipes away your tears. I often wonder what it would feel like to get comforted by the person that loves you most. I often wonder what it would feel like to have someone that knows your soul; your insecurities, your burdens, your thoughts and everything that is on your mind. I often wonder what it would feel like to have a such magical, surreal, God given love. I often wonder what it would feel like to lay in bed with the love of your life. Feeling his warmth, hearing his breath, being with him. I often wonder what it would feel like to be that happy and in love. I often wonder if I will ever receive that kind of love.

Sweet Love

My body is craving for a man’s touch; yours to be exact. I want to make sweet love; love so tender and intimate. Come caress me and make me tired, so I can lie and fall asleep in your warm arms.

If There Was Love

Life would be easier if you weren’t on your own. If there was a shoulder to cry on and a hand to hold. A voice that would soothe you and a heart that would love you. Life would be easier if there was someone to live for. If there was love.

Catch Me

My tears are falling down and I see drops of sadness, drops of pain and drops of heartbreak. They are all falling down at once, all these emotions are falling down and there is no one to catch them; to catch me.

Drowning in Love

You’ve left my mind more than once, but you’ve never left my heart. There’re days you don’t cross my mind, but whenever I see your face or hear your voice, my heart blushes, it flutters, and it breaks. Loving you was heavenly, but I have fallen into hell. It wasn’t your eyes I drowned in; it was my broken heart.