Other Poems

We get sad, we get happy, we get angry, we get scared and we get so much more. That’s life. We feel. And sometimes feeling hurts, but other times feeling gives peace. Maybe these poems affirm your feelings, and that can give you a little peace; you are not alone.

Mad Hatter

My mind makes me mad; too much thoughts, too much feelings. It’s chaotic. As if something is in my mind that can’t get out. And I sit here in silence, listening to all the noise that won’t stop. It makes me go insane.

… = !!!

When we don’t feel, we call it emptiness. When we hear no sound, we call it silence. Funny how nothing let us feel everything. They are supposed to be nothing, yet they make us feel the very most.


Sometimes I miss you, though I know you are not good for me. Because you don’t want to help me, you just want to have me. You are trying to make me fall in love with you and then destroy me. Handing me over some razor blades, telling me it will relieve the pain. You like seeing me bleed and cry for help, so you could say you are the only one I have; so that I would walk with you. And I did, I did walk with you, knowing how dangerous you are. But you show up beautifully misleading. You know how to wrap people around your finger. I realize that now, and it’s time to let you go.                                                                               

In the Middle of the Night

It happens to me in the middle of the night, when everyone is asleep, and only my thoughts awake. The middle of the night is the time, for breaking and slowly falling apart, with a lump in my throat, from the silent crying. And then waking up in the morning, with dried tears on my pillow.


Don’t wake me up. Let me sleep. Let me dream. For dreams are the only place I feel alive, adventurous, and loved. Each night I am afraid of the morning; afraid to return to live in the world I feel lost in. Dreams is the place where I feel home, where I belong. But to my sadness I do wake up every morning, with agonizing emptiness. I don’t want the dreams to end. I never want the dreams to end. I want to go home. So don’t wake me up.

Wishing Star

I miss walking hours with her at night; talking about falling stars and the moon. “What do you wish for?” She asked me. “I wish for us to be friends forever.” “Me too.” Little did we know that falling stars won’t really grant wishes.


The little girl wonders why the people are so mean. She doesn’t understand and it makes her feel sad. “Aren’t they happy with themselves?” The little girl asks herself. “Is that why they are mean to others? Because they don’t feel happiness within them?” She just doesn’t understand.

Bloody Tears

Instead of stabbing me in the back, you stabbed your words, as sharp as a knife, in my heart.


And I wonder, did you get confused in the meaning of the most opposite words? Or did you know the difference in stay and leave?


You were supposed to give those flowers to me, because we were in love, do you not see? Instead you gave those flowers to her, you are in love, but I thought we were?

Every Day

Every night, I wish to sleep, and never wake up. To close my eyes, and forget the world. Every morning, I wake up, and wish I never had. I close my eyes, and try to go back. Every day, I live to survive, and I don’t quite exist. I open my eyes, and I survive to live.


When the birds sing in April morning, they bring back my memories. An old little vintage house deep in the woods, with high green trees and a strong forest scent. Where squirrels come by to say hello, and where owls hoot at night. A red-haired girl who wanders around the flowers and the bushes, in a flowery dress and a smile on her face. Amazed by the fish in the pond, when she stands on the small bridge. Running after the butterflies, running away from the bees. Time flies by, and before you know it the present has turned into the past. They simply become memories, and memories are all you have left.

Bad Memories

I am afraid that you will leave, because who wants to love someone like me, with her arms and legs full of bad memories?

A Shoulder to Cry on

I feel most lonely in times where I want to escape, because there is nowhere to go and no one to run to. No hands are waiting to hold me or to protect me or to love me. No hands are waiting to wipe away the tears that are falling down my cheeks. But that is just what I really need; a shoulder to cry on.

Gone Through Sleep

And still every night I close my eyes and hope to sleep. But not that sleep you get dreams from. I mean the one you sleep for very long. A sleep so deep you won’t wake up. That kind of sleep so intense your eyes stay closed. I hope my eyes stay closed.


Sadness has filled me. I touch my skin again. Tears are falling in silence. I’m sitting; staring; feeling. Nothing, but feeling the burning pain inside. Touching my skin is not enough, to ease the pain; it still lingers. Screaming in my head, let it be over. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, but I have never felt more weak.