Magical Poems

Magic. I love it. No, not the sorcery kind of magic. The fairytale kind magic. Look around, the world we live in is all magic! The nature, the animals, the people, the music, all of it! We live right in the magic and we often don’t even realize it. How wonderful is it to realize and be totally be perplexed by such simplicity! Dream away with the words and know; you are not alone.

(and remember: magic can be sad too)


Don’t dreams always make everything so much more magical and intense? Maybe that’s why I always hope to dream when I go to sleep; to find and feel that little bit of sparkle.

Magic Trees

I really like how trees seem to come alive when the night has fallen down and the moonlight shines upon their leaves; like their soul awakens by the darkness of the sky and by the light of the moon; it is a magnificent appearance, and it just amazes me how nature wakes

when we fall asleep.

Like The Moon

Like the moon, You are not always visible, but You are always there. Like the moon, You seem far away, but You are closer than we think. Like the moon, You give light in the darkness. You are the light.


Desiring hurts. Desires are longing for things you do not have, and who says you ever will? Desires are mere dreams; they are not meant to come true.

A Lost Dreamer

She was always a dreamer. A dreamer of dreams; a dreamer of fairy tales and a dreamer of true love. But now she is not so sure anymore if such things as fairy tales exist and if such a thing as true love exists. Her believe was once so great, yet now she is living in an uncertain dream. She is lost; she is a lost dreamer.

Autumn Dream

Let the Autumn be everlasting, so rain can pour and pour, and leaves never stop falling. Let’s listen to Annabelle Lee, with a book in the hand, and a warm cup of rose tea. Let’s run in the rain outside, and dance and dance until our lips touch in twilight. Let’s be the poetic melancholics, who enjoy the sadness, of the Autumn season’s midst.

Happy Never After

My mind often wanders to fairytales, dreaming and yearning of a love so true. That kind of love that is unprecedented in this world; that kind of love you only hear in fairytales. Prince Charming’s do not exist, there are no knights in shining armor and there are no good-hearted villains. There are no bold men who fall in love with you at first sight and wants to be with you no matter the cost. A true loves kiss will not wake you up, neither will a kiss turn a frog into a prince, nor will a kiss turn a beast into a prince. No one will take you on a flying carpet to show you the world; or on miraculous adventures at all. There are no classic ballroom dances, no running away from’s, no saviors. There are no stories. There is no magic in this world; the magic of pure love. A frog is just a frog, a beast is just a beast, and a kiss is just a kiss. There is no such thing as true love, and there is certainly no such thing as happily ever after’s.