The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue The book started interesting with a young girl named Adeline who was a dreamer and loved drawing. Once Adeline drew a boy out of her imagination and pretended she was his and he was hers. She imagined the love between each other. I...

Why People Self-Harm

Why People Self-Harm There is a lot of misunderstanding about self-harm. Here I want to explain the reasons why people do this and have this addiction and how it is related to depression. It’s not my intention to state facts; I am not a psychiatrist. This is simply...

The Betrothed

The Betrothed One star. I give this book one star. Even though the story/plot itself wasn’t that bad, I can’t get over the fact that the characters were so… bland? The book is written in Hollis’ POV, but it feels like I don’t really know who she is. The book does not,...

The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden The Secret Garden is a children’s book written in 1911 by Frances Hodgson Burnett and belongs to one of the many classic books. I won’t go too much in detail what this book is about; I will go to the important parts which will lead me to my opinion...

Interview schrijfster Ewa Maria Wagner

Interview schrijfster Ewa Maria Wagner Ewa Maria Wagner is naast altvioliste bij het Radio Filharmonisch Orkest, ook sinds kort schrijfster geworden. Ze vertelt over hoe haar affiniteit voor schrijven is ontstaan en deelt haar ervaringen met de Schrijversvakschool....